Free download Truth or False - I Believe or Not APK for Android
Description of Правда или Ложь - Верю не верю True or False is an intellectual game, known to very many from childhood. You are offered statements from various areas with which you can agree or disagree. All the most interesting facts from different areas. The knowledge is gathered in this application especially for you. Here, th7up Down e most common myths are exposed, amazing mysteries are revealed and old legends are being destroyed. All the most unusual events, amazing news, fascinating secrets, all the most interesting and the best for our users. The application consists of 50 games of 10 questions each. There is an opportunity to share interesting facts with friends. Spend your time interestingly and profitably. Also, this game is known by the names: Believe or Do not believe, Yes or No.
Version history True or False - I believe it or not New in com.yn.truefalse 3.0 05/20/2015: Version 3 Added new levels. Please rate this app
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